Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Chocolate Bailey's Swirl Mud Cake

Yes, Delectable Platter is a year old now. From baby steps to walking,  it's been a beautiful journey so far. Time flies........I can't believe I started this journey last year after shedding a lot of inhibitions....

A heartfelt thanks to all those who took out time from their busy schedules to go through my recipes or scroll through the picture gallery.

The response so far has been overwhelming with the number of followers and views shooting up....

Already a mother of two, this seems like my third baby.....someone very special...that goes without saying.
Now when I go through my own blog, I wonder how horrendous the pictures were and how this transition came into being....
Yes, I know you had to go through this torture...My Apologies. 

So to change the scenario, I gifted myself a Canon DSLR on my blog's birthday to give you better pictures....till date I was using my mobile for the clicks..
Though I am still not aware of its usage, I am trying my hands on it. These pictures are the first ones taken by the newbee so please bear with them....I am not a gadget freak so it  might take a while before I get a hang of it....

This recipe is an adaption from http://www.citrusandcandy.com
 with a few
changes here and there.

                        Ingredients :
                        For the cake
150 grams butter, at room temperature
100 gms Brown sugar
100 gms. Castor Sugar
100 gms. Dark Chocolate,  chopped roughly
50 gms Cocoa powder
150 ml. Bailey's Irish Cream whiskey
170 gms. Self Raising flour
1.5 tsp. Baking powder
1/2 tsp  Baking soda
3 Eggs, at room temperature
                        For the ganache :
250 grams  Dark chocolate,  chopped roughly
150 ml Cream
100 ml Bailey's Irish cream whiskey
4 tsp. Butter
                               Directions :
1 : Put chocolate, butter, brown sugar, caster sugar and Bailey's in a thick bottomed vessel and heat on low flame.
2: Whisk and see that there is no lump and remove from fire.Let it cool down.
3 : Preheat oven at 160 degree Celsius for 10 minutes.
4:Grease and line 9" spring bottom pan.
5: Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and baking soda.
6: Add eggs one by one and whisk it nicely.
7 : Fold it in flour mixture nicely.
8 : Pour this batter into greased mould and bake for 40 minutes at 160 degree Celsius.
9: Let it stand half an hour on the wire rack to cool down.
                      For the Ganache :

1: Put chocolate pieces in a heat proof dish.
2 : Take cream , butter and bailey's in a thick bottomed vessel and simmer it till it mixes nicely.
3 : Pour over chopped chocolate pieces and mix till no lumps are there.
4 :Cover and refrigerate for around 2-3 hours so that it's of thick consistency.
5 : Spread it on the sides and let it set.
6: Pour over the cake and form swirls with back of a spoon.
7: Enjoy as it is or with Coffee....❤❤


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