Though it doesn't need an introduction with Thai joints mushrooming all over the world , this cuisine has a complex appeal with an interplay of tastes.
Thai cuisine uses fresh and fragrant ingredients extensively. Their style of cooking is quite conventional where they use mortar and pestle for their grinding purpose and pick fresh , aromatic herbs and spices.
Ingredients :
3 tbsp Oil
6 Onions, finely chopped
4 Garlic cloves, chopped
600 gms chicken breast, chopped into bite size pieces
3 tbsp Fish Sauce
2 Bird's eye chilli, chopped
2 Cups Basil Leaves, chopped
2 tbsp Brown Sugar
2 tbsp Light Soya Sauce
1 Tsp Chilli paste
1 / 2 tsp Salt
1 / 2 cup water
2 tsp Cornstarch
Directions :
1 : Heat oil in a skillet.
2 : Add onions and sauté till translucent.
3 : Add garlic and chillies and cook for a minute.
4 : Add chicken and cook till it is done.
5 : Add half of the basil leaves.
6 : In a bowl, combine brown sugar, fish sauce , soya sauce , salt and chilli paste and add to chicken.
7: Cook for a minute.
8 : Add water and Cornstarch and cook for another minute.
9 : Add rest of basil leaves and sauto for a minute.
10: Serve with steamed rice.
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