Thursday, 21 July 2016

No Churn Eggless Mango Ice Cream

            A delish dessert made with fruits or other ingredients is often a requisite in scorching heat or to pacify our sweet tooth. Cravings for this frozen treat invariably ends with a halt at an Ice cream vendor.

               What if you could make Ice creams at your own pace, as per your taste, in the comfort of your home??

            Shed your inhibitions and give it a me, this is not rocket science.

                             Ingredients :

500 ml Cream (I used Amul)
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
250 gms Condensed Milk
2 cups Mango puree
1 cup Chopped Mango

1: Put cream in a bowl.
2: Whisk at a medium speed till it turns into soft peaks.
3: Add Condensed milk and fold till well combined.
4: Add mango puree and fold once again till well incorporated .
5: Add chopped mangoes and pour in an ice cream container.
6: Seal with Cling wrap and freeze it for 4-5 hours.

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