Monday, 30 November 2015

Red Kidney Bean Kebabs/Rajma Galouti

         Galouti kebabs are melt in mouth kebabs where you can use lamb's meat, mushrooms or Rajma along with herbs and spices. Galouti or Galawti itself means 'melt in mouth'.

            They originated from Lucknow and as legendary tale goes , Nawab of Lucknow, Wajid Ali Shah lost his teeth but his love for meat didn't fizzle. So Galouti was prepared to satiate his taste buds and he savoured this dish till his last breath.
             This food of Nawab, rich in dry fruits,saffron and ghee is cooked on slow fire to extract it's fine and rich aromas of whole spices.

                  Ingredients : 

Boiled Rajma                      2 cups
Cashew Powder                 1/2 cup
Salt                                       As per taste 
Red chilli powder               1/2 tsp 
Roasted cumin powder    1/2 tsp 
Rose Water                          1 tsp
Saffron                                  Few strands
Potatoes , boiled and mashed   2
Warm milk                            2 tsp 
Cardamom Powder              1/4 tsp
Ginger garlic paste               1 tsp 
Green chilli                            1
Few Mint Leaves

Directions : 

1 : Soak rajma overnight or for atleast 8 
2: Drain water and pressure cook them in 4 cups of water with salt for atleast half an hour. 
3 : When pressure drops, drain rajma.
4 :  Cool them and keep aside.
5: Blend green chillies, ginger garlic and mint to fine paste.
6: Soak saffron in warm milk.
7: Put rajma , green chilli paste and cashew powder in blender and mix thoroughly. 
8: Add cardamom powder,red chilli powder,  clove and cumin powder , saffron and rose water and mashed potatoes  in rajma mix. Mix them thoroughly. 
9: Take ball size mixture and form patties out of it.
10. Heat oil in a pan and cook them at medium heat. 
11 . Serve them with onion rings and mint sauce.


Thursday, 26 November 2015

Cilantro Sriracha Citrus Chicken

                Never let the perplexity of flavors enshroud your mind with unnecessary hinderance. What seems like a difficult and cumbersome task might be the easiest thing on earth.

Cilantro, Orange zest,Sriracha add zing to otherwise plain chicken.You can add Sriracha to almost anything for a spicy flavor and Orange zest will fetch you the required tanginess.

Ingredients : 
4 chicken legs (with thighs)
1 Orange's juice
1 Orange's zest
1 cup Cilantro  (with few tender stems)
2 tbsp  Sriracha 
1 tbsp. Olive oil
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp Black Pepper 
1/2 tsp. Garlic paste
1/2 tsp. Ginger paste

Directions : 
1 : Wash and pat dry chicken legs.
2 : Blend Cilantro along with oil, salt, pepper and garlic ginger paste in a blender. 
3 :In a bowl,mix Cilantro mix, Sriracha, Orange juice and orange zest. 
4 : Add chicken legs to this marination. 
5 : Place it in a zip lock bag along with the marinade and marinate for at least 6 hours or overnight.
6 : Grill it till it turns nice brown in color, often basting with olive oil and marinade.
7 :Drizzle some reserved marinade on the chicken and serve. 

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Peri Peri Fennel Chicken Galette

Galette is basically a part of French Cuisine which can be described as large ,crusty ,flaky cookie with delicious savory filling.                        A rustic and flaky tart,savory or sweet dough; with gorgeous and colorful vegetarian or non vegetarian filling, baked to perfection;  to give you a perfect, spectacular galette.

                    I was on a threshold of deciding whether to  give up or to give it one more try when this one came as a surprise. It came out really well. I abhor the idea of my effort going down the lane .With so much love and affection going into your meal, what you expect is a beautiful reward and a galette falling apart is least you could expect.

After some failures,  I concluded that my fillings had to be a little dry so that my base doesn't come  down. So toss whatever yummy comes your way and go ahead .

Ingredients : 
1 cup  refined flour (though I used wholewheat since I am a little biased towards whole grains )

1/3 cup butter, chilled and cubed
1/3 cup cold water

Directions :
1: Take flour in a processor and add cubed butter and pulse it till you get breadcrumbs resembling mix. 
2: Now add chilled water and pulse it once again till it forms a soft dough.
3: Cover it with cling film and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

PerI Peri Fennel Chicken

Ingredients : 
500 gms chicken breast ( boneless ) 
2 tsp Peri peri Sauce
Shavings of 1 fennel bulb
1 tbsp. Olive oil 
1/2 tsp  Salt 
1/4 tsp. Freshly ground black pepper 
1/2 tsp. Ginger paste
1 / 2 tsp  Garlic paste 

Directions :
1: Mix all the ingredients for the marinade in a bowl. 
2: Marinate chicken for atleast 4 to 6 hours. 
3: Cook it on high flame in a wok and remove when half done.

1:Preheat oven at 180 degree Celsius for 10 minutes.
2: Divide the dough into 3 discs or a 1 big disc.
 3: Keep filling in the centre leaving an inch on the edges for small galettes and 2 inches for a bigger one. 
4: Now gently fold  the edges over the filling.
5: Drizzle some left over marination over it and keep galette on parchment paper over baking tray and bake for half an hour till the pastry turns golden brown.
6: Take it out from the oven and let it stand for 10 minutes. 
7: Serve warm .