Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Peri Peri Fennel Chicken Galette

Galette is basically a part of French Cuisine which can be described as large ,crusty ,flaky cookie with delicious savory filling.                        A rustic and flaky tart,savory or sweet dough; with gorgeous and colorful vegetarian or non vegetarian filling, baked to perfection;  to give you a perfect, spectacular galette.

                    I was on a threshold of deciding whether to  give up or to give it one more try when this one came as a surprise. It came out really well. I abhor the idea of my effort going down the lane .With so much love and affection going into your meal, what you expect is a beautiful reward and a galette falling apart is least you could expect.

After some failures,  I concluded that my fillings had to be a little dry so that my base doesn't come  down. So toss whatever yummy comes your way and go ahead .

Ingredients : 
1 cup  refined flour (though I used wholewheat since I am a little biased towards whole grains )

1/3 cup butter, chilled and cubed
1/3 cup cold water

Directions :
1: Take flour in a processor and add cubed butter and pulse it till you get breadcrumbs resembling mix. 
2: Now add chilled water and pulse it once again till it forms a soft dough.
3: Cover it with cling film and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

PerI Peri Fennel Chicken

Ingredients : 
500 gms chicken breast ( boneless ) 
2 tsp Peri peri Sauce
Shavings of 1 fennel bulb
1 tbsp. Olive oil 
1/2 tsp  Salt 
1/4 tsp. Freshly ground black pepper 
1/2 tsp. Ginger paste
1 / 2 tsp  Garlic paste 

Directions :
1: Mix all the ingredients for the marinade in a bowl. 
2: Marinate chicken for atleast 4 to 6 hours. 
3: Cook it on high flame in a wok and remove when half done.

1:Preheat oven at 180 degree Celsius for 10 minutes.
2: Divide the dough into 3 discs or a 1 big disc.
 3: Keep filling in the centre leaving an inch on the edges for small galettes and 2 inches for a bigger one. 
4: Now gently fold  the edges over the filling.
5: Drizzle some left over marination over it and keep galette on parchment paper over baking tray and bake for half an hour till the pastry turns golden brown.
6: Take it out from the oven and let it stand for 10 minutes. 
7: Serve warm .

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