Monday, 8 February 2016

Food Styling and Photography workshop By Deeba Rajpal

         'Food styling' is to Food what 'Firmament' is to the stars.As someone wisely said 'You taste with your eyes first'; I bow and surrender to the thought....
                     The chef handles the heat in the kitchen but what makes his yummilicious food incredibly drool worthy and tantalising is basically 'Food Styling'. It adds that 'Oomph factor'or should I say it extracts it's 'Wow Factor'.
          It would bring forth the most beautiful aspects of a dish-the resplendence, the textures .....
A poetic shot by Abhay Sharda

As a food blogger I always envisage how my dish would look even when it is in the course of preparation.  But somehow I always felt that I was not upto the mark in bringing out emotions other than 'Hunger Pangs' through my pictures. Here I truly felt that the photography was playing the main Culprit.

Here goes another one by Abhay Sharda

I have always been a true admirer of work by some of these artists(yes , they truly are)....Deeba, 

So when I got a Golden Opportunity to enroll in a Food Styling and Photography workshop at Lodi - Garden Restaurant by Deeba Rajpal and Darter Photography,  I just took the plunge.

A beautiful collage made by Surbhi

Interior designer by profession , chef at heart; I was literally pushed into Food blogging by my kids . By 'pushed' I mean literally 'Forced' to write a blog since I was not ready to shed my inhibition even when I had a flair for writing and wished that I would write a Recipe book one day.

Beautiful shot by an extremely talented one...Shivesh

         So I pulled up my socks and went for the workshop which was held at Lodi - Garden Restaurant by Deeba Rajpal and Mr.N Prasad of Darter Photography. 

A collage by the maestro herself , 
Deeba Rajpal 

I must admit that Deeba Rajpal and Mr. N Prasad of Darter Photography are so humble and warm people that I totally got enshrouded by their Aura.
I got to meet so many lovely people coming from different walks of life yet having a common passion- Photography. 
Got to learn so much from them.

Here I was taught the nitty gritties of Photography -the camera settings, Focal point , composition ,depth of field, light manipulation , how to make maximum use of vintage props 
, shutter speed to name a few .I was told to create a story around my picture which actually made a lot of difference.

My work was not upto mark ....that's what I conclude since I was mainly using my Android for Food photography. So now I would like to color my canvas with beautiful colors and in my endeavour to get you a 'DELECTABLE PLATTER ', I would definitely make full use of this workshop.


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