Sunday, 31 July 2016

Quinoa and Basil Patties with Mango Salsa

I am so much in love with nuts and basil that I incorporate them in almost everything. it smoothie, chicken,  patties, yogurt,salads. ..list is endless.
Though the benefits of nuts and quinoa are not unknown, I love the nutty and brilliant flavor they impart to the dishes.

With mango widely available in this season there is no need to deprive yourself of its benefits and  yummy taste.
    So toss in some herbs ,peppers and serve this Salsa with Quinoa patties

1/2  cup Quinoa
1 cup Water
3 Boiled Potatoes
1 1/2 cups Bread crumbs
3/4 cup Basil leaves (chopped )
1/2 cup Slivered Almonds
3/4 tsp Salt,to taste 
1/2 tsp Paprika
Oil for shallow frying

1: Cook quinoa in 1 glass water 
 as per instructions . 
2: Cool them and add rest of the ingredients except oil.
3: Mix it properly.
4: Make its balls and flatten them to give it a shape of patties . 
5: Shallow fry them in hot oil and serve with mango salsa . 
Mango Salsa
                    Ingredients :
1 Mango
1/4 cup Red Pepper(chopped)
1/4 cup Capsicum (chopped)
1 Lemon's juice
1 tbsp Mint (chopped)
2 tbsp Coriander ( chopped)
1/4 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Red Chilli Powder

Mix all the ingredients and serve.

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